Стихи на английском языке на 9 мая и поздравления

Английский для детей

Здравствуйте, друзья. Английские стихи к 9 мая — это следующий сборник, посвященный Дню Великой Победы. В нем вы найдете маленький стих и несколько побольше. Так же легендарную песню «День Победы» с видео.

Еще мы добавили некоторые поздравления в свободной форме. Они также замечательно подойдут для поздравлений ветеранов на английском языке. К этим поздравлениям есть перевод.

Недавно мы опубликовали на блоге сборник стихов на русском языке к 9 мая для деток детского сада и начальной школы. Оба сборника можно использовать для проведения различных мероприятий, посвященных Дню Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне.

Английские стихи на День Победы

Red tulips
Scarlet flame
As over the Reichstag
Red flag!

Battle, hiking —
All experienced,
The joy of victory!
No! Not forgotten!

A peaceful morning
Our Victory,
Рeople are happy!

The beginning of may.
Red carnations,
As the tears of those distant terrible years.
And veterans of the faces of the righteous,
Especially, which no longer exists.

When he suited the date of these.
For some reason I feel guilty —
Less remember the Victory,
More forget about the war.

With all my soul in this bright day
I want congratulate all those
Who’re still alive through wars today
Whose links with our lives are close.

I mean those people who protected
New lives from wiping off the Earth
Those people who rejected
Our enemies’ efforts to end the Russian’s birth.

So much of them were killed those days
But they’re alive in our memory.
And we today have all our grace
Due to the soldiers that continued our story.

We thank them from the bottom of the hearts
And wish them long days living,
They served their right to live in comforts
And their dreams are our deal for keeping.

May sunlight’s plowing through the sky
Illumine dawn clouds.
It brings the joy to everyone
And save all from the problems.

All people feel the fun today
And waiting for festivity.
Every thing was ever gray
Now illustrate the creativity.

Let’s meet the Victory together
And launch the balloons in the sky.
And let them be the gifts of ether
For those who never be alive.

Поздравления с Днем Победы на английском языке

Cordial congratulations on Victory Day – the most important and welcomed holiday! Оn this day of grateful and sorrowful memories please receive hottest and touching words of gratitude and down to earth bow to all those whose destinies were ruined by war.

Сердечные поздравления с Днем Победы – самым важным и долгожданным праздником! В этот день больших и грустных воспоминаний примите самые теплые и трогательные слова благодарности и низкий поклон до земли всем, чьи судьбы сломала война.

We congratulate you on the Great Victory Day, a holiday of great moral importance and unifying force, on a holiday, which is forever in the fate of Russia and its citizens! With words of deep gratitude and respect, we appeal to our dear veterans, to those who, showing courage and heroism, had stood in the battle for freedom and independence of our homeland!

Поздравляем Вас с Великим Днем Победы, праздником большой духовной важности и силы единства, праздником, который навсегда останется в судьбе России и ее граждан! Со словами глубокого признания и уважения, мы обращаемся к нашим дорогим ветеранам, к тем, кто проявляя отвагу и героизм, сражались за свободу и независимость нашей родины!

We congratulate you on …th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War! We low bow to the Heroes who did everything possible for this Victory!

Мы поздравляем Вас с … годовщиной Победы в Великой Отечественной Войне! Низко кланяемся героям, которые сделали всё возможное для этой победы!

The 9th of May will stay in our memory as the day of national proud for our country and our people. We sincerely wish you all strong health, peaceful sky, happiness and prosperity!

9 Мая сохранится в нашей памяти Днем национальной гордости за нашу страну и наш народ. Мы искренне желаем Вам крепкого здоровья, мирного неба, счастья и благополучия!

Песня на Английском Языке на 9 мая с видео

The Day of Victory!

The Day of Victory, like an ember in the fire.
Seemed so distant, but remained our hearts’ desire.
Miles behind us, scorched and battered there we stood
Bringing victory as closer as we could

That’s our Day of Victory
Ringing through the skies
Proud and joyful
We have bought it for a price
There is gladness
But with sadness in our eyes.
The Day of Victory!
The Day of Victory!
The Day of Victory!

Plants and factories kept on working day and night
On the home front we’ve put up a valiant fight
Without respite toiling for the common good
Bringing victory as closer as we could

That’s our Day of Victory
Ringing through the skies
Proud and joyful
We have bought it for a price
There is gladness
But with sadness in our eyes.
The Day of Victory!
The Day of Victory!
The Day of Victory!

Come now. mother. I have made it back to you…
Feel like running barefoot in the morning dew.
Miles behind us. we’ve lost many souls for good
Bringing victory as closer as we could

That’s our Day of Victory
Ringing through the skies
Proud and joyful
We have bought it for a price
There is gladness
But with sadness in our eyes.
The Day of Victory!
The Day of Victory!
The Day of Victory!

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